What are the causes of dampness within a home or building?
Penetrating dampness is usually due to external defects such as blocked or leaking rainwater goods, open mortar joints, cracked and blown external render and porous brickwork or stonework. Where dampness is penetrating the stonework or brickwork repairs will be needed externally. We can advise you and point you in the right direction. We use silicone applications which can be applied to external brickwork and stonework to help prevent rain penetration. We can also re point defective mortar joints of stonework and brickwork and carry out external re-rendering and repairs and repair/renew defective rainwater goods.
Rising dampness is due to a lack of, or a failure of, an existing damp proof course and is sometimes associated with adjoining higher external ground levels. The treatment of rising dampness is our specialty. We can provide you with a quotation for the necessary work, which will involve the installation of a chemical damp proof course with, we would suspect, more than likely associated re plastering of the walls internally to a minimum height of 1 metre. This re plastering is carried out to replace damp and defective plaster. Also, and possibly more importantly, to hold back the effects of salt which could become lodged within the plaster. These salts need to be held back in the brickwork or stonework by the use of renovating plaster to ensure that they do not continue to attract moisture from the atmosphere. Where your property may have higher adjoining ground and floor levels we can, in association with the re plastering, apply vertical barriers to hold back the effects of any resultant dampness.
Dampness caused by condensation is normally identified by moisture on the glass to windows and mould and moisture on walls and ceilings, often a musty damp smell is present. Condensation is caused as a result of warm air hitting cold surfaces. More often than not it can be reduced by taking simple measures such as removing large items of furniture from against external walls, providing more heat in rooms which are colder than others, improving ventilation, i.e. the provision of extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms, etc. Sometimes additional measures are required such as the provision of a dehumidifier or positive pressure units. We can survey your property and provide you with a written report upon the problem you have and the best way forward.